Asher’s 2 Month Update & My Post Partum Experience

Oh my I cannot believe that Asher is 2 months old. It has absolutely FLOWN BY & look at that cute face. Today I wanted to share an update on how everything is going and catch y’all up on life!

My Recovery

Y’all nobody prepared me for this! I had always heard people say wow postpartum recovery can be tough, but I had also heard people say it wasn’t as bad as they thought. I thought since I was young and in good shape I would have no trouble recovering or would be on the “quicker” side. Boy was I wrong and that is just not how it works. I had a really long labor experience if you missed my igtv on my birth story you can watch it here. I ended up with a forcep delivery and a 9.2 oz baby with a head off the charts so you can imagine the rest.

It really as a full 3 weeks before I felt some what back to normal. Even now 10 weeks post partum I am just feeling like I can exercise and be active. I am learning how much grace I have to give myself. As far as what I used post partum I have it all linked here. The number one thing I would have on hand is padsicles. They are basically pads with witch hazel and aloe on them and you put them in the freezer so they are cold. They were a lifesaver!! You can Pinterest them and there are so many options, but this is the one that I used.

Now my goal this week and going forward is to just get in at least three workouts a week. I am currently trying to do my expecting and empowered workouts (you can use my code “lccblog10” to get 10% off) and wow they are tough!! My goal this week is to just get them all in. I haven’t done that a single week yet, but hey just got to keep getting better!

Asher’s Sleep

Okay I do feel like Asher is a good sleeper overall. From day one he has always slept really good. I am no expert in this area by any means, but we have done a few things that seem to be working. First off, before we had Asher we purchased taking cara babies newborn class and it was so so helpful just learning the basics of how many naps, how long to be awake, ways to soothe him.

We also bought the book “moms on call” which has been super helpful as well. We follow the moms on call schedule, but keep in mind all of the techinques and information cara gives. We more use the schedule as a guide, but we also try to be flexible and read Asher’s cues. I just love that it give us a starting point for the day.

The things I want to get better at is him waking up by 7:00 every morning. I am bad about letting him sleep longer and then he doesn’t nap well. The other thing we are constantly improving is his bedtime routine.

Asher’s Eating

If you have followed me on Instagram for a bit then you probably already know this, but Asher had some tummy issues from about week 4-7. We ended up taking him to a GI specialist who had us try some different things. The thing that worked the best was getting him on a strong probiotic. I think it just really helped regulate everything. He has been a much happier baby ever since.

I am still breastfeeding and have a post going live this Wednesday on my experience & all of the items I think are a must have. Come back Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. for that!


This is the routine I am working on that doesn’t always happen, but at least it gives me a little guideline.

6:00 I wakeup and quiet time/coffee

7:00 Wake up Asher & Feed

7-8:15/8:30 Awake time

8:30-10:00 Nap (Workout & get ready)

10:00 Feed Asher

10-11:30 Awake time

11:30-1:00 Nap (Lunch & Pick up around the house/laundry etc.)

1:00 Feed

1-2:30 Awake time

2:30 – 4 Nap (Work on Blog)

4:00 Feed

4-5:30 Awake Time

5:30-6:30 Cat Nap

6:30-7:00 Bedtime Routine (Bath & Books)

7:00 Feed (Gets his bottle with probitoic)

7:30 Prayers & Bed

10:30 ish Dream Feed

11:00 I go to sleep :))

Milestones & Favorite Things

My favorite thing Asher has been doing recently is smiling!! Oh my goodness it is the cutest thing ever. It melts my mama heart. He also has discovered his limbs so he will sit and stair at his feet and then he loves to just keep his left arm straight up in the air. It is so so funny! We have our 2 month (2 weeks late) dr. appointment next Monday so I will update all of his stats. I am always posting my favorite moments with Asher on my Instagram is you want to follow along here at alainaatwoodblog!

Also – I love the wonder weeks app to tell you all about where your baby is at developmentally. It is so helpful to know when they will hit those developmental leaps.

I would love to answer any questions y’all have in the comments below!!



Welcome to my little space on the internet! My name is Alaina Atwood & here is where I share fashion, my heart on motherhood, and so much more! Grab a cup of coffee and stay a while!

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